Monstra – Animation Film Festival in Lisbon

March 15, 2023 - March 26, 2023

Monstra animation film festival is back, with more than 550 animated films, including feature films, shorts and very short films.

This animation film festival was created in the year 2000 and brings people from different areas of the arts, thus promoting artistic and creative transversality. But this festival is not just about films, it can count on formations, exhibitions or workshops.

“Throughout the years, the Festival has developed into a concept… MONSTRA on the Loose. Firstly, taking over Lisbon, in multiple places and finding publics of different interests and sensibilities. Then, MONSTRA is set loose across the country, visiting more than 40 cities each year.

Finally, MONSTRA is also set loose across the World. In the past 20 years, we’ve been to 151 cities, on all 5 continents, bringing the best animation cinema made in Portugal and worldwide to our audiences. In addition, MONSTRA is also responsible for organizing multiple workshops, conferences and talks concerning the art of animation.

The festival is already considered a distinct event in Lisbon’s cultural scene from national and international viewpoints. Our main goal is to conquer new cities in Portugal and continue to reach international attention. However, essentially, we wish to reach the gaze, mind and heart of many children, youngsters and adults, in the hope they will join the almost half a million people who have watched cinema through the “lenses” of MONSTRA and MONSTRINHA.”

Fernando Galrito
(Artistic Director of the MONSTRA Festival)


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